
Service of Process Rates

Your cases are handled as simply and promptly as possible.

Our agreed-upon fee includes real-time GPS date/time-stamped attempt email updates, and appropriate proof of service documents ready for you to file.

Phone (201)381-8057

Your invoice will be emailed to you shortly after we receive your documents. A pdf scan of the completed proof of service will be emailed to you within two business days of service. Originals are sent to you by U.S. Mail, if requested.



from $95

  • The first attempt will take place at the address first provided to us within 2-3 days.

  • As needed, up to four attempts will occur at varied times of day over 7-9 days.

  • In-state cases following New Jersey Rules of Civil Procedure.




  • First Attempt takes place within 4-12 hours.

  • Flat Rate, notwithstanding outcome.

  • As needed, up to four attempts will occur at varied times of day over 3-5 business days.

  • Pre-payment, please. Once we receive a Same-Day, we are immediately working on it.

  • GPS documented notes; Notarized affidavit included, if appropriate.




  • “Next Day Delivery” of papers received by 1 PM EDT.

  • First Attempt will take place at the address first provided to us within 24 hrs.

  • Flat Rate, notwithstanding outcome.

  • Up to four attempts at varied times of day over 3-5 business days.


Volume Based Discounts:


Ten or more monthly serves? Ask about Volume Pricing.

Pay With Confidence!

Millions of companies of all sizes use our payment provider’s platform to accept and send payments, and manage their businesses online.

Please ask us about any other specific payment methods you may prefer.


Client Reviews

We are humbled by the positive reviews, referrals, and positive comments we have received, including on that well-known search engine.

Process Server will always present in a professional manner.

We strive to maximize the privacy of all parties. Whenever practical, the service will be conducted in a way in which family, friends, or co-workers are not impacted—or possibly not even aware—that service has occurred.

Additional services are listed below, applicable only when discussed with you in advance:

Out-of-State Service (One State to Another) We regularly serve out-of-state and federal documents between jurisdictions. Please call for Rate.

Service Upon Government & Municipal Entities: Please Call. State and local agencies and authorities, borough halls, boards of education, police and sheriff departments, and correctional facilities.

Bulk Service (Same Time and Place) $35 for each additional entity and affidavit, when served at the same time and location.

New Jersey Waiting Time $125 hourly Flat Rate, notwithstanding the reason for the time being spent or the outcome, in addition to any attempt or service fees listed above. Please phone for availability.

Skip Tracing & Social Media Searches We can work to determine the whereabouts of individuals related to your case. Please call.

Ask About:

Pro Se Plaintiffs We can serve legal papers for individuals representing themselves in court matters. Please phone us to discuss your specific needs. Terms described above may not apply to these service requests.

Court Orders Please phone us first to discuss your specific needs and to determine your fee for court orders. Pricing above may not apply to these service requests.

Landlord-Tenant Matters Rates will vary.

Witness or Other Subpoena Fees for Respondents Cases requiring disbursement by us of $150.00 or more will incur a $15.00 charge. Disbursement of less than $150.00 will each incur a $7.50 charge.